Want me to help you get more sales...

with less ick?

Join the Ick-free Sales Membership

$9 Membership with weekly sales scripts delivered to your inbox for entrepreneurs who want a simple, feel-good way to turn strangers into happy, paying customers!

"Ugh. Why aren't I getting sales?"

You set big sales goals but keep missing the mark because (bah!) nobody is buying and it feels like you're missing something.

You're working so dang much but new customers and opportunities are not coming fast enough and you're not making money.

You feel bad about selling and want to know how to find a way to sell that feel good for you and your customers.

Wowza, biz bestie. I've got incredible news for you.

Not only am I going to help you fall in love with consent-based selling ... 

I'm going to help you start getting paid for your brilliant work by connecting with your perfect customers and making it clear and easy to buy from you!

"As an entrepreneur who has always struggled with "sales", Lindsay has helped me embrace business development while staying true to my values and personality."

Belinda Clemmensen, Women's Leadership Intensive
"I wish I had worked with Lindsay a year ago when I first started my business instead of sitting and waiting for clients to show up and doubting whether my work had any value."

Holly Middleton, Flow Movement Therapy

What's inside the membership:

Howdy, I'm Lindsay!

I REALLY love selling! ​
But, there are some icky sales tactics we really need to talk about ...

I'm a huge marketing and sales nerd thanks to being raised in a family of entrepreneurs. I’ve studied all of the greats and did what these "sales gurus" said to do and there's no doubt, it worked.

But is also felt super icky and just ... wrong!

It was about "selling at any cost" regardless of whether or not the sale was best for the customer.

I refused to sell that way and was determined to create my own sales process based on consent with customers who not only needed what I was selling but wanted it too! ​

By the time turned 25 I was blowing minds by teaching entrepreneurs how to connect with the right customers and co-create the sales journey together.

At 33, I decided to go all in with The Radical Connector and teach service-based entrepreneurs just like you how to grow profitable, scalable businesses by selling more with less ick! ​

And now?

I want YOU to fall in love with consent-based selling too!

That's why I created the Ick-Free Sales Membership!

"Lindsay takes out the noise and overwhelm from where to start and what to do as a new entrepreneur and provides simple, actionable, no-nonsense business, marketing, and sales advice."

Nadine Stille, Life Coach for Mammas
"Lindsay's program has been indescribably helpful for me and my business. I’m forever thankful to have Lindsay and the community of entrepreneurs also taking the course in my corner.​"

Cassandra Rudolph, Photographer and Video Editor


Have more questions? Email support@theradicalconnector.com and we'll get you sorted!

  • Holy smokers ... all this for only $9? What's the catch?
    There's no catch!

    (But good on ya for asking if this is too good to be true.)

    Simply put, selling doesn't have to be scary or complicated ... and it can feel good for both you and your customers!

    My purpose in business is to radically shift the way we approach marketing and sales that centers our customers' needs ... not just our sales goals.

    This $9 membership is the fastest way I can empower YOU and every other entrepreneur who wants to discover a more ethical, feel-good way to sell to flip the world of marketing and sales on its head!

    I'm all about maximizing my personal impact while giving you the tools to build a scaleable, profitable business you love and change your customers' lives.

    Win-win-win, babyyy!
  • Selling really freaks me out ... will this work for me?

    I'm going to keep it real with you.

    Every entrepreneur has fears and impostor syndrome.

    There are those entrepreneurs who do it afraid and build their resilience and courage to face their fears.

    And there are those entrepreneurs who succumb to their fears and never leave their comfort zones.

    It's ok to be freaked out ... to experience self-doubt and feel fear.

    YOU get to decide if you're going to face those fears or hide from them.

    I'm going to show you how to sell more in a way that feels good by getting you in front of the people who are already looking for you with money in hand and then make it clear and easy to buy from you.

    You'll get sales scripts, monthly Q+A with me and other guest experts, action planning and coworking sessions, and an entire community of rock-star entrepreneurs supporting you.

    If you're ready to face your fears and prove them wrong ... I'm going to nudge you out of your comfort zone and support you every step of the way!

    As Lady Gaga said, you can do hard things!
  • I'm a coach/personal trainer/graphic designer/accountant/content creator/etc ... will this work for me?
    Simply put, YES!

    Because my strategies are universal and are based on each business owner applying my formula specifically for their business model.

    You're going to learn how to get your business in front of the people who are looking for you and make it clear and easy for them to buy from you while working as little as possible!

    Whether you’re selling a product, program, service, or …

    Selling yourself, an idea, or a new way of thinking …

    At its core, marketing and selling are always the same.

    This isn’t about me telling you to go do exactly what I did and then hoping it works for you. Ugh.

    It's about learning a thought model for how you approach business development.

    ​All that to say … it doesn’t matter what your biz is because you’re going to learn how to market and sell based on YOUR biz model (not mine or anyone else’s!) with less work and more play!

    Heck Yah!
  • Tell me more about the sales scripts ... will they make me spammy?
    Haha heck no!

    No copy and paste robotic templates that make you feel like a spammer.

    Every month you'll get an ick-free sales script with a simple consent-based question to move the sales conversation forward.

    I'll give you a video tutorial of how to use the script.

    I'll even include a few different examples of when and how to use it ... and what to say based on how people answer!

    You'll be able to customize each script to work for you.

    And they are so simple to implement I promise you're going to be excited to get out there and try them out!
  • What if I don't have a business yet?
    Well, obviously if you don't have something to sell it might be kind of pointless to join the Ick-Free Sales Membership.

    However, if you're digging my vibe and want to surround yourself with positive, big-dreaming, driven entrepreneurs to inspire and motivate you to get your business launched and start selling ... join us!

Are you ready to fall in love with ick-free selling?

Then get your butt in the membership to start turning strangers into happy, paying customers and making excellent money for all your hard work!

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  • 02Payment
Join Now for $9

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